Installation guide and operating instructions for the dust collector
Or a dust collector quick start guide.
Welcome to our large and welcoming 4BLANC family, where thousands of manicurists and pedicurists have finally said goodbye once and for all to dust!
Assemble the dust collector according to the directions that come in the box, and watch the video tutorial.
You can find detailed installation recommendations and tips and tricks for working with the dust collector below.
It is important to install the filter correctly
The filter is installed correctly if the dust collector housing is tightly screwed on, and the inside of the filter is visible through the upper flower hole (see image). The filter fits snuggly in its compartment. This is necessary to ensure a hermetic seal.
If you find it difficult to feel the suction with your hand, you can check the operation of the dust collector using a sheet of paper or directly during a procedure.
Installation options
A table/countertop mount is included in the box with the dust collector. If you install the mount on a pedicure cabinet or cart, make sure that it is stable (the cabinet should weigh at least 5 kg).
When installing the dust collector on a table, the recommended distance between the edge of the table and the work area is at least 50 cm.
You may also purchase an optional special reinforced floor standon our website.
It will stabilize the dust collector and make it transportable, and you won’t have to worry about the dimensions of your table or the weight of your cabinet.
Correct position
In order to ensure that the dust collector housing does not fall off, you need to position it along the same axis as the pantograph (metallic mount).
When installed this way, the dust collector will be seated evenly and stably.
To prevent deformation of the pantograph rod, position the dust collector correctly, as indicated in the diagram.
WARNING: Make sure to keep hair, clothing, and small objects away from the openings in the grille and the motor blades.
When the dust collector is turned on, you will hear a characteristic sound similar to an airplane jet engine starting up. Do not be alarmed: This is just a normal feature of this type of motor.
Manicures and pedicures without the dust
Many airborne materials are produced as you work that need to be removed, including fine flying dust (suspended particles that can damage the respiratory tract) and sawdust (large particles that fall down onto the table under their own weight). Therefore, it is important to direct the flow towards the dust collector.
For your convenience, when removing the cover,positionthe dust collector at an angle to the side opposite of your working hand (as shown in the video):
The dust collector should be positioned similarly in the pedicure work area (see video).
Sawdust that clings to your glove due to static electricity can be easily removed by running the palm of your hand over the suction surface.
Cleaning and care
To ensure that the dust collectorworksflawlessly, the filter must be cleaned and replaced regularly. We recommendcleaning the filter3−4 times per month (every 20−30 procedures).
Remember: The filter should not come in contact with water or another liquid!When cleaning the dust collector and replacing the filter, be sure to wear protective equipment (mask and gloves).
How frequently to change the filter
We recommend replacing the filter with a new one if there is a noticeable reduction in the suction power. The filter has an approximate service life of 2 to 6 months (provided that the filter is emptied and cleaned at regular intervals) depending on how much the device is used.
When replacing the cleaning the filterDO NOT throw awaythe filter cap for attaching the filter!
We ask specialist pedicurists who provide podiatry treatments in particular to evaluate the risks of filter cleaning. If it is likely that the dust may contain opportunistic pathogens, you should not clean filter and instead change it every 1−2 months. Remember: your health is more important than saving money on replaceable filters.
You can order replaceable filters in the Accessories section.
Useful lifehacks
MANICURIST SITTING POSITIONWhen working with a client at a manicure table, use a palm rest. It will help you position the client’s hands higher, which will allow you to align your posture and relieve tension in your back. When you are concentrating on a procedure, do not point your hands at the table, and do not hunch over. Do not forget to practice some stretches and other exercises between client sessions.
REMOVING MATERIALWhen removing material, we recommend setting the cutter speed to 25,000−30,000 revolutions, which helps to slow down the particles so that they can form a stream, which you can then direct towards the dust collector.
Sawdust that clings to your glove due to static electricity can be easily removed by running the palm of your hand over the suction surface.
4BLANC thanks you for your choice and guarantees that this product will function flawlessly as long as the instructions are followed.
To learn more about the terms of the warranty please follow the official website 4BLANC.ORG/register-machine